Saturday, June 24, 2006

Day Hike?

I forgot in my last post. A friend and I are planning to go hiking for part of the day on Monday in the Highwood Pass (weather permitting). If you've never been in this part of Kanaskis, it's beautiful. The Highwood Pass is the highest drivable elevation in Canada, and the road is closed for half the year every year because of the elevation and snowfall among other things. At the summit of the pass, there is a beautiful hiking trail called Ptarmigan Cirque. I've done it a couple of times in the past, and the elevation gain is challenging, but fairly easily accomplished if you go a bit slowly. I think even young children could probably do it - most of them being in far better physical condition than me!

If you'd be interested in joining us, drop me an email, or give my cell phone a call. As far as I know we'll probably head out sometime in the morning, hike the first half of the trail (the hard, uphill climb part!) eat lunch in the meadow on top of the mountain, then hike the second half and drive home to be back in time for supper.