Monday, May 01, 2006

Quick Once Again

I'm part-way through getting ready for a job interview this morning. When you haven't done hardly anything for a month, it's a lot of work to make yourself look presentable - attractive, pleasant, properly attired, make-up understated, hair done neatly. Not that I mind.

Which leads me to my second observation - high heels add confidence. Now, I've had tendonitis in both of my feet since sometime in 12th grade, so I can't wear heels on a regular basis, but I do love to wear them. There's something about that added two inches of height, combined with a cute skirt that really makes me believe that I am desirable, that I am professional, that I am the image that I am working to project. High heels are a good cure for insecurity!

One more interview this morning. Then, the waiting game to see who calls, who would like me to come in and work for them. And, hopefully, a decision game - which job will pay the best, offer the best benefits and hours, that kind of thing.

After the interview I'm going to Costco with my mom. I love that place. And, since my tax return came last week, and I actually have a little bit of money at the moment, I'm going to buy another pair of these really great yoga capri's they're selling there.

Then, hanging out with a friend for a while, and I have to pull together the things I'm going to share tomorrow night. I've been praying about that over the weekend, and have a pretty good idea of the direction I'm going, but am hoping to pull it together, to actually sit down and organize my thoughts, make some notes, that kind of thing today or tonight sometime.

And with that, I'm off! Another quick update! I swear, Wednesday or Thursday latest I'll put something of substance here!


Nolan said...

I bought some yoga capris the other day too. Only mine was at a weekend stag thing for my friend Nathan, and he had to wear them in public along with more items secured by other uncompassionate people. On clearance from Old Navy.

Lisa said...

Nolan, the capris were sold out. I didn't get another pair. Which is too bad, 'cause they're the most comfy pants I own, but anyway....