Monday, February 06, 2006

Shut Down

Thanks for praying for me over the weekend. It was understandly one of the most difficult weekends of my life.

I am home today because I've called in sick to work. I'm exhausted and ill. I'm sporting a lovely bruise across the bridge of my nose from a collision with a child's head while watersliding with her. My nose is rather swollen. I look somewhat odd. I am taking a few days to regain health, strength and perspective.

What I'm trying to say is that it was both significant and extremely challenging weekend, and I need a little more time than I thought I would to begin to write about this. It would be wrong for me to begin describing it now - in the moments when inaccurate emotions tempered by exhaustion are still very close to controlling me. For those of you who were praying - I'm grateful. For those of you who held me, hugged me, emailed me, and made your caring support known - I wouldn't have survived this without you - and you can probably expect an update somewhat sooner than it will appear on the blog.

Basically, this post is to tell you that it will be until late today, or even another day or two before I can begin to put words around the experiences and times of grieving, learning, and fun. Before the conversations and events begin to form themselves into something meaningful rather than the overwhelming swirl that they are at the present moment. But I will be back in a few days.

In the meantime, I covet your continued prayers as I seek restoration of my body and mind in these next days. I continue to beg you to uphold my friend in your prayers as she faces the one week anniversary of her mother's death tomorrow, as she settles back into the routines of life and work.


karen said...

Prayers continuing. Be restored! Your friend is blessed to have you.