Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Much has happened

A lot of stuff went on over the course of the past several days. Unfortunately, a lot of it will never see the light of the blog. Some of it was just for me, some of it just for my friend. Some of it doesn't bear repeating.

But let me say this. Over the course of the last week, and particularly over the course of the weekend I came to some very important realizations about myself. Things that I hope will allow me to continue to move forward in knowing God. Hopefully with a greater level of trust and a lower level of exhaustion and burnout.

It was not an easy weekend. It hasn't been an easy few days as I've sought to regain health and perspective. But there are some good things to share.

I saw God work in the life of a friend - in a relationship that I lacked the energy to truly invest in over the weekend - but God stepped in and I'm so excited to see where it goes. I deepened several relationships - with both close friends, and new friends. I'm incredibly grateful for the group of people surrounding me in this time. I nearly broke my nose on a waterslide while sliding double with a little girl. Our pastor's youngest daughter has a very hard head! I continue to sport a bruise across the bridge of my nose that not only makes me look somewhat questionable, but that also makes wearing my glasses a somewhat interesting challenge, but I sure had fun swimming with the girls until that moment. Someone blessed me with the gift of a one hour massage on Saturday - the relaxation was just what was needed in that moment. I watched God move in a powerful way among our church community. God revealed some necessary if painful things to me that will take time to process, but will be worth the effort. I watched our community come around my friend and pray and care for her following her mother's funeral on Sunday. I had friends who correctly read my exhaustion and illness on Sunday night and encouraged me to rest these last few days.

I can't put words properly around this time. I'm sorry. You've been so faithful in reading and praying. Please know that I am so very grateful for the prayer support. And that I continue to ask for your prayers as I seek to walk out the realizations God laid on my heart over the course of the weekend and as I continue to live out the calling God has laid on my life to care for and serve my hurting friends.