Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Questions I Would Ask...

I don’t have a “mentor” figure in my life right now. At least not one in the same city as me – not one I can call up and ask if they’d like to have coffee. Not one where I can easily pick their brains. I’m blessed with fantastic friends, who are teaching me about the new things I have begun to walk into, but I find myself longing for someone a little further along the journey, someone who can answer questions, and give wisdom, and assure me that I haven’t gone insane!

If I had that mentor figure, these are the things I would ask right now (in no apparent order):

  • Does this ever get easier? I mean, I’ve been consciously trying to pursue God’s calling on my life since November 1st. That’s just about 3 months now. Yes, I did it in fits and starts at various times over the years, but there’s something different this time, something I can’t quite put my finger on. And it’s difficult – I’ve lost sleep, I’ve changed plans dozens of times to respond to crises, I’ve been stretched beyond my limits and my wisdom more times than anyone could count, and I’m wondering if it get easier to hear God and follow that calling?
  • How do I create boundaries in my relationship with the friend that God has called me to care for? How do you create boundaries in a relationship where it has taken months of around the clock availability for her to begin to believe that I care and won’t abandon her like so many others have? When the trust is that tenuous, how do I create space to protect my own heart and mind?
  • How do I reconcile my very conservative church girl past with the charismatic experiences I’ve had over the past months – with the dreams, with seeing things, and hearing things? I didn’t even really believe these things existed a few months ago, and now they’re part of the reality of my life and story, and I just don’t quite know what to do with them. I don’t know how to take the person I always thought I was, and integrate her with the person I seem to be becoming.
  • How do I know what is God, and what is me? How do I know when the words coming from my lips are his, or when it’s me? How do I know if that sense that I have something to speak – to add to a conversation is just my need to be noticed, or if it’s God prompting my heart.
  • How do I handle the woundedness in my own life, while caring for others with far greater wounds? Because I’m hurting – and those wounds were a large part of what left me struggling with depression for the last several years. Where do I look for healing?
    How do I overcome the fear that has dogged my steps for so many years?
  • Does it get easier to hear the voice of God?
  • Can God use an introvert? Because the only charismatic people I seem to know are not introverts – they’re all outgoing, comfortable speaking and sharing what God has laid on their hearts.
  • How do I know the specifics of what God is calling me to? Should I become a pastor, or a counsellor? How do I make that decision as I begin to check into options for further schooling?
  • And last but not least… should I even bother looking for answers to some of these questions? Is my need to answer these things normal? Or should I just live with the mystery or some such “spiritual” description?


... Paige said...

I don't think Jesus-said it would be easy
Your friend has already drawn the boundary. You just let your light shine
Whats to reconcile-fact is fact
God is all-you are all in Him
The ointment is the care you give & show others
He will open your ears and let you see what it is you need to hear and see
God uses everyone
You will know when He tells you, He will lead you to where it is you need to go
Faith needs no proof nor answer

He is that which He is
the beginning & the end

karen said...

Sure, it gets easier. It just never gets easy.
Ministering to friends and family is difficult. Jesus had trouble with that! If God has called you to minister to this friend, you must decide on your boundaries..its almost like being a parent of an adult child; you can help, advise, etc., but the ultimate decisions they make, no matter how poor or good..are theirs. God is in charge of this.
Don't worry about the former conservative girl stuff and now being more charismatic...enjoy! God wants a REAL relationship with you!
If you are wondering if your adding to a conversation is a need to be probably is. Everyone in their walk wonders if its God or them speaking from time to time. We all get caught up in this stuff. We all ask these questions
God gives us the opportunity to minister to others especially when we are hurting in order that we may be blessed in return. We don't seek that, but when we meet the appointments that He sets for us...the joy we get blesses us.
Ask Him for healing. He will bring people to you.
All Christians deal with fear and the guilt of fear...we're supposed to have complete faith, right? I deal with this everyday..and I'm an elder. Lisa, from what I've read, you're walking with Him wonderfully.
Yes, I think it gets easier to hear God; through dreams, visions, other people, etc.
God uses intoverts...look at the variety Jesus picked as disciples!
ASK for answers. He will answer you. If you're struggling with becoming a pastor or a counselor, look around, ask Him. Check out resources. He'll lead you in the right direction. Check out this website:
It's put together by 3 awesome women ministers. You're a blessing.

Nolan said...

Hey Lisa, good to hear how you're doing even if my eyes aren't even open while I write this. God bless you and keep you and grant you with hugs and peace and yes, even some answers for your questions. Wow, your car rides are like my walks. I used to have sig. drives too. With a lot of different people actually. Well, probably because I was one of few drivers with my friends so I often gave people rides and then we talked, because I often listened. I'm cheap though and always turn off my car and then iit gets cold and foggy. Although I haven't kissed anyone in a car since... um... it was a football game in grade 12. Right before we went to visit my grandparents. ANyway nothing too steamy. I'm sure we didn't fog any windows.
I just finished a very hectic week and I was asked about it and I keep saying it was good. Because it was. It always is.
Dear Jesus work in other people's lives as a gift for Lisa. She works very hard and she's very mature and she has a big heart. Now give her some rest for a while. Work on the other side. Work in her parents' hearts. Work in her friends' hearts. Work in her coworkers' hearts. Sabbaths are great, better than chocolate cake, or even Bill Cosby tapes.