Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'm off in an hour or so to spend the day at the wedding of a friend in Canmore. Nice!

This friend went to Poland as a missionary, met a guy, and now they're getting married and planning to move back to Poland to serve God together in a year or so. Crazy story, but fun! So that's all I need to do - accept a call from God to the mission field, and I'll end up married!

I'm having a few dress issues. It took me at least an hour last night to figure it out. Oh well, I think I look okay now, and I'm taking jeans and a t-shirt for the drive home after the wedding - no sense being uncomfortable any longer than absolutely necessary!

And, I bought the funniest t-shirt ever yesterday on my break at work, and I can't wait to wear it. It says:

Blondes have more fun.
Brunettes can read.
And with that profound thought, I'm off to make breakfast before I finish getting ready for the wedding! Have a truly excellent day y'all!