Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily 5 - Year 3, Day 245

Today's Daily 5:

  1. sleeping late
  2. yoga pants
  3. a Jack Johnson soundtrack as I cleaned
  4. going through boxes and finding the kitchen implements and appliances that will let me live a bit more "normally" in the midst of the crazy
  5. picking out a couple new recipes to try out
  6. exercising body, soul, and mind all at once while walking to do a couple of errands (including groceries) and listening to a great sermon from Shawn Bolz.  "Chocolate is the single person's sex!" Bet that's the first time that's ever been said in a sermon! Love it! 
  7. Tackling several tasks that have been nagging for the last few months
  8. sitting and spending a bit of time in creative pursuits
  9. the thrill of a clean living space
  10. simple, healthy food today
  11. Sun!  It was 25 C today - summer weather!  Hooray! I might just break out the flip flops if it's like that again tomorrow!