Monday, March 26, 2012

Homework and tea

It's 2:00 or so, and I'm curled up with a mug of tea, and about to tackle the seemingly never ending task of creating a concept map of the risk factors of child abuse.

I'd have written a nice long post (I had one brewing all weekend) for this morning, but my evening was swallowed up by this concept map project last night, until I finally threw in the towel around midnight.  And so today you can listen to me tell you that I was over lunch of the value of good conversation and friends.

I've been thinking a lot about life stages since school started and I suddenly found myself in a fishbowl of groupwork with a random assortment of mostly quite a bit younger students.  And so lunch today with a friend my age, in similar stage of life, was lovely.

And now I'm home, and I've tackled a couple of quick and necessary emails, found a big bottle of water, and huge mug of Morrocan pomegranate rooibos tea, and I'm going to let myself once again be swallowed whole by the demands of homework.  But it will be a swallowing in which I'm fortified by a hug, and an hour or so of wonderful conversation over Vietnamese sub sandwiches.  And, once the swallowing has ended for the day, I have some lovely posts for this week brewing, and intend to write them down!