Friday, December 02, 2011


It's Friday!

(well, actually, it's Thursday night when I'm writing this, but by the time this goes live, it will be Friday.)

This week I'm particularly excited to welcome the weekend.

It's been a rough week at the office, for lots of reasons that I can't go into here.  Let's just say that I'm thankful that this particular temp contract is ending in short order.

It's been harder still since I haven't been feeling well physically.  I'm battling a cold that has settled into a wracking (how do you spell that?) dry cough, and on top of that I contracted a mild stomach bug that has rather limited my appetite and food intake (and thus energy).

I'm really excited for a weekend.

With one brief exception, and maybe a couple of errands, I plan to spend it catching up on rest, and hopefully carving out a bit of silence.  My parents will be away for a good chunk of the day on Saturday, so I'm hoping to curl up in my favorite recliner in their living room and carve out some quiet space for rest and restoration.  I need to carve out that space.

And so, today, though I really do try to remember the lesson I began to learn on that humorous day I was hijacked by Stan, I'm not so much postponing joy, as anticipating the greater measure of it that will come with the weekend.  Not too many hours to go...