Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, Monday (redux)

Last week I wrote somewhat cautiously, but still hopefully, about what Monday would hold.

It turned out to be the first day in a week that was challenging.  A week that really didn't pick up and get into a good place until Thursday.

And now it's Sunday night again, and I'm writing a Monday post.

I have no idea what to expect from the week ahead.

There are some big new things on my plate this week.

And some old things.

I'm hoping to squeeze in some space for creativity.

I know I'll have a bit of time with friends.

And next Saturday I have a date with a very short man who's interested in trucks.  Can't go by one without loudly pointing it out, actually.  We're going to the zoo together.  (Did I mention he's blond, blue eyed, and less than three feet tall?  Or that there's a 26 year difference in our ages?  That's not too much is it?)

And so, I'm heading into Monday prayerfully, waiting to see what the week ahead will hold.  Heading in hopefully, knowing that surprises do seem to lurk around corners lately.

More to come.