Saturday, August 06, 2011


So, it's Saturday, which isn't quite as precious when you've had a week off, but is still a lovely feeling.

I woke early - way earlier than planned - and watched a bit of tv online before falling back to sleep for a few more hours.

I started my day with a funny little scavenger hunt around the house, left as clues from my brother and sister-in-law, with the final gift being revealed when I open a birthday card tomorrow.

In a little while I'm off for a walk with a long-time friend, who shares my birthday with me.  I bought a book recently called "Calgary's Best Walks and Hikes" and it became a goal of mine to make my way through the 30 or so walks over the next year and a bit.  Today we're going to tackle the first of the walks, though I can't tell you which one yet, since we haven't picked!

Later today my plan is to putter in the kitchen.  I have leftover enchiladas with mole sauce to eat for dinner, but yesterday I bought five pounds of raspberries that I need to start using.  Mom left a couple of peaches that also need to be used, and this morning I came across a recipe for raspberry peach muffins on pinterest, so I think that's going to be my first task - breakfasts for this week that I'm housesitting again.  I also need to tackle the first steps of preparation for the mango sangria I'm serving tomorrow at the birthday BBQ that I'm hosting.  And who knows what other creative inspirations will hit?  Basically I'm going to strap on an apron and start cooking, probably with food network or a movie on in the background!  I might even break out a glass of ice wine!

I think it's going to be a lovely Saturday!