Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do You Finish?

A lot of blog authors include books that they're currently reading, but haven't completed in their reading lists.  You'll notice I don't do that on mine.

Why?  Well, I have this problem with finishing.  I pick up a book, I'm enthralled for a couple of chapters, and then the newest and latest appears.  That book I've been on the waiting list for at the library forever arrives, and I have a limited time span before it has to be returned.  I see one that catches my eye at the bookstore, or even on my own shelves, and I pick it up, and set down the one that had been temporarily enthralling me.  I own probably close to a thousand or more books (my library is easily my largest possession,) and I would be willing to wager that a very high percentage of those are books that I've started and not finished.

So, I'm currently reading:
  • Tea with Hezbollah (Ted Dekker & Carl Medearis)
  • Three Cups of Tea (Greg Mortenson) - I'm actually listening to the unabridged audio book version of this one.
  • Crazy Love (Francis Chan) - this one our house church is reading and studying together
  • and an assortment of text books for school

My goal is to actually finish these ones!

But my question is this - do you finish?  Are you the type of reader that picks up a title and doesn't start another one until you've finished?  Do you read multiple titles at once?  Are you easily distracted and fail to finish?  What sort of reader are you?  (And have you read any great titles lately to recommend to us?)


shallowfrozenwater said...

no. i was ... and i suppose i still am enthralled with A New Kind of Christianity but it has sat, half-read downstairs for several months now. there has been a lot going on for me but i can't use that as an excuse since this has been a problem that is more than a few months old.

Lisa said...

ah, Ian, I'm glad someone else has this problem, busy and challenging season of life notwithstanding.

Jenny said...

Yes, sometimes I finish books, and no, sometimes I don't...
Sometimes, I'm a few chapters in and I know I"m going to want to read the book again.
I generally have a pile of books on the go, then one will grab me and I read it on public transport and in bed and during lunchtime, because I just can't put it down.

Then there are all the unread books in my study... the books I buy at school fetes (because everyone wants a thick book on sociology, right?), the books I pick up for 50c at the library cancelled table, the books I buy at the second hand shop, and the books I buy new because I WANT them... Sigh. I love books!

Lisa said...

ah Jenny, we have the love of books, and apparently the inescapable urge to purchase them in common!