Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Coming Soon

I have a slew of posts that I want to write, but finding the motivation to sit and do them hasn't been that easy.  I've been enjoying having time to catch up with a few friends, and to just rest the last few days.

But, some good stuff is coming soon.

In the meantime, I'm desperately in need of a session of bus reading, so I'm off to do that for a while.  I need the time and space to process.  To read and think and pray as this new year begins.


Jenny said...

Hope you've had a good, contemplative time on the bus and that you're feeling more settled. And that you weren't cold! Is the bus carpeted and heated?

I just finished painting my kitchen and am worn out. Prowled Ikea last night looking for cupboard inspiration... below counter microwave space.... mmmm!

Was reflecting yesterday that there are palm trees all the way down the larger road that my home street runs off. Will take a picture for you!

Think warm thoughts!

Best wishes


Lisa said...


the buses are heated, but not carpeted. Carpet would be a disaster with all the snow and muck that melts off your shoes once you come from the cold outside into the warm bus.

Palm trees! and a picture! I'd love to see it.

Sounds like your kitchen project is going well! I LOVE Ikea!



Natalie said...

Hi Lisa,

Good to stop by your blog again.

Prayin' for you...

Lisa said...

Thanks for praying, Nat! returning the prayers!