Monday, November 29, 2010


My body has still not adjusted sleep schedules to be working.  I'm still up too late every night, and mornings come sort of painfully early.

But, it's something of a consolation to know that when I get to work, it's an office without the painful and constant tensions and frustrations of the job that ended in the spring.  That when I get here, the phone calls I make won't be from people with grievances, but from people who are delighted to hear from me, because I'm the person calling to tell them that they're going to be able to provide gifts for their kids this Christmas.

This morning I have an aching neck, and a scraped up forearm.  Last night I was hanging a string from my ceiling, while standing on a chair.  A string on which to hang the Jesse Tree Advent ornaments I spent last night (and most likely tonight) creating.  Unfortunately, with my usual athletic grace (have I mentioned that I tend to be sarcastic?) I managed to overbalance myself, and nearly fall off the chair.  I jerked my neck (again, no surprise there, either.  I have unique neck injuring skills.) and scraped a bunch of skin off of my right forearm as I careened downward while attempting to at least land on my feet.

In the meantime, I'm sitting here for a few moments in my office, before the usual maelstorm of crazy begins.  Christmas, it seems, is a little bit crazy around here.  I have a mug of pomegranate green tea.  I've managed to eat a little bit of breakfast, and I'm getting ready to wince as I hear just how many voicemails came in over the weekend, waiting for call-backs from me. 

But it's quiet, and I'm feeling peaceful.  And that's worth being thankful for.


Kristy Z. said...

Your story about standing on a the chair cracks me up. I am glad I am not the only one who has trouble with grace! ;-)

Lisa said...

Nope, definitely not the only one!

Jenny said...

Hope you are fully recovered by now. I bought myself a huge ladder because I'm prone to wobbling!

Thank you so much for sharing The Jesse Tree. I'll need to catch up, but am hoping to do this (as well as the Regent one I mentioned a few comments ago). I think my 'tree' will be a string across/under my mantelpiece. SO looking forward to it!

Lisa said...

Glad you'll do the Jesse Tree, Jenny. And yes, the skin I scraped off while falling is slowing growing back :)