Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 97

I had planned to write a post of one sort or another today, but between an appointment, exhaustion, the weather, and doing errands, it didn't happen.  So.  A daily 5 is all it will be today.

Today's Daily 5:
  1.  Starting the day with a long shower
  2. sleeping late
  3. watching some of my favorite television shows online
  4. smiling when I spotted "leftover" snow angels on someone's lawn
  5. the sun finally peeking out (even if sunny days at this time of year actually tend to be colder!)
  6. a good appointment
  7. brownies
  8. a plum
  9. the smell of clean laundry
  10. buying boots that should work for winter footwear
  11. the smell of all-protector spray on new shoes
  12. comfort food for supper
  13. mindless television
  14. being wrapped up in a thick blanket
  15. a big glass of water