Thursday, October 07, 2010

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 53

Today's Daily 5:
  1. A slow, lazy morning
  2. Walking to do errands, and loving the crunching sound of the fallen leaves under my feet
  3. scheduling a job interview for next week
  4. Leftover Vietnamese food for lunch
  5. make your own pizza night at housechurch
  6. laughing with house church friends
  7. managing to catch up on some important stuff with a friend who'd been away for a while
  8. collecting a really good hug
  9. laughing at the incongruity of the guy sitting next to me on the bus who was screaming "non-conformist" and "anti-establishment" with his hair and clothing choices, and yet was sitting next to me playing solitaire on his smart phone.
  10. chatting and laughing with the cashier and bag girl at the organic grocery store I stopped at to get some fruit for the week ahead
  11. buying a few pretty things at 10,000 Villages to make my living space happy
  12. finding the exact item I needed at the dollar store, instead of the more expensive office supply shop
  13. a pretty decent day for one that didn't have my usual built-in escape plan


Anonymous said...

I have to say I'm a smidge jealous you have a 10,000 Villages within any sort of reasonable distance. There's one basically near where we went in LA...and one I used to go to if I took the train or did a long walk from where I lived in college into a nearby town when I lived in Chicago, but I don't have one right close now (unless one's moved closer that I don't know about!) I have to look online to find things!

Glad for all the good things that came out of housechurch tonight!

Lisa said...

You could come visit my CA and go to 10,000 Villages :)

Anonymous said...

I not winter and not seasons changing. I'm beginning to think I need to find somewhere with weather even more stable than my CA has been this week! :-) Put 10,000 Villages on the list for when I do come though!

Lisa said...

Consider it done :)