Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 327

Today's Daily 5:
  1. Pork and mango pitas for supper.  One of my favorite recipes, and one I've converted my parents to as well.  I cook it probably once every month or so at their house it seems.
  2. The excitement and love in the eyes of a little boy in the window of a daycare I walked past this morning as he waved goodbye to his mom from the window.  Particularly fabulous was watching his face and realizing the moment when he suddenly knew for certain that she had seen him, and blew her a kiss.
  3. The joy in the face of a little girl I saw peering through the window of her front door, staring at all the traffic and busyness on the street outside her house.
  4. Thankful for buses that for the most part run on time
  5. Mom often makes fruit smoothies in the morning as part of her breakfast, and when I'm there in the mornings (which is most days just currently), that means I benefit from the smoothie too.
  6. Toast with peanut butter where the warmth of the toast has melted the peanut butter to an almost liquidy, ooey, gooey, goodness.
  7. natural health treatment tonight that relieved some muscle problems I've had the last several days.
  8. taking a short break this afternoon in the midst of a whole lot of stats to do a 10 minute yoga video and take a hot shower.
  9. the sense of accomplishment in getting nearly (one question left that I need some help with) all the way through 2 stats assignments today.
  10. making a random trip with my dad this morning to the fly fishing equipment outfitter he uses.  Just spending time with him.