Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Daily 5 - Day 181

Today's Daily 5:
  1. Payroll (which was far more complicated than usual this time) went smoothly this morning
  2. Made a new recipe (part of the 2 new recipes a month goal) for supper tonight.  Couscous stuffed peppers.  photos to come...
  3. Had a rather profound moment of realization, and meeting God on the train/walk home from work tonight, while listening to a sermon preached by Shane Hipps
  4. Quiet evening, and time to write about the things that so struck me
  5. my roommate helped me straighten my hair tonight.  First time since the accident I've done that.  My injured shoulders won't let me hold my arms up in the manner that the straightener requires for very long, and L. was willing to help when I asked.  Grateful for that... will be nice to not have to pull my hair back for work tomorrow.


Jenny said...

Gosh, I'm away from your blog for a short while and not only does it get a zippy new look... you move, and some not so nice things happen.
Sorry to hear about your accident, the passing of George from your life, and that you've been in pain.
Do hope that the road opens out before you and your journey is smooth from here.

Jenny (reader from Melbourne)

Lisa said...

Thanks Jenny!