Thursday, April 16, 2009

For those of you who pray...

Most of you who read the blog will know that I have a very close relationship with my youngest brother, T., and that I have watched over the last three years as he has struggled with a wrist injury that has proved the exception to every medical statistic.

At 10:30 am today, he is having his third surgery in as many years, and as usual, is deeply on my heart and in my prayers today.

Last night he sent the following request out to the church that we grew up in (where he is also currently on staff as the worship pastor):

Tomorrow morning I am having surgery on my wrist again. The surgeon plans to remove a plate from my left arm. This will take place around 10:30 AM. Please pray that the surgery is successful and that I recover quickly. It sounds like this will be a fairly minor surgery and it should be the last step in my healing process. Thank you for your prayers!

Please join me in praying for T and for the surgeon operating on his arm this morning. And in crying out to the God who heals that this truly will finally bring full healing and restore T.'s ability to play his guitar without pain.


Anonymous said...

Definitely will!