Sunday, March 08, 2009

Taking it Gently

I find myself more worn out than usual today.

So I'm taking it slowly and gently.

I took myself grocery shopping this morning. Bought things like bread and cheese and fruit. Simple food. Staples.

I was joyful in the fact that the health food store had the item I was looking for. It means that I'll get some sleep for a few more months.

I got gas for George.

And discovered that something I'd thought my brother had broken has decided to work again. A sort of minor miracle that will save me some money unexpectedly. A little thing I'm thankful for.

Home and cleaning. Baking. Laundry. Resting. These are the things that have taken up the rest of the afternoon.

In a little while I'll shower, and dress up a bit. Put on make-up and feel beautiful. I'm working at a concert tonight. Spending some time with my brother and his girlfriend.

And then home and sleep. Work starts again tomorrow. Another long day. Other things on the agenda.

I'm trying to stay firm in a commitment to treat myself gently. To treat myself like I am worthy of care and being loved.