Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hopefully not a black eye...

I went sledding with one of my roommates today.

And on the run that I'd already declared my last one for the day, I caught an edge in a funny sort of way, and flipped. I bashed up the right side of my head and cheek pretty good, bent my glasses badly, and have a pretty sore shoulder neck and back on the right side.

I got the glasses fixed, but I'm waiting to see what the damage to my face will end up being. They pushed into my cheek and eye pretty hard when I crashed.

There are some definite marks on the bridge of my nose, around my eye, and on my cheek. The big question is whether or not they will bruise further as the day goes on, or settle down... Wait and see I guess!


Anonymous said...

Man! More snowy weekend adventures for you! Hope you're feeling ok in the morning and aren't too horribly sore!

I won't mention what I did with an out of town friend today. LOL. Suffice it to say it didn't involve snow! ;-)


Lisa said...

hmm... somehow I'm thinking that if whatever you did didn't involve either snow or the potential for a black eye, it was probably better :)

one of these days I'll take you up on that offer for tea and come down and see what you do with out of town friends :)