Friday, February 27, 2009


It's been a longish week.

Lots of things going on personally and professionally.

I knew this would be the sort of Friday night where I'd need to treat myself gently.

To ease myself into a time of prayer and writing.

So I made plans to care for myself.

I picked up dinner - take out, but healthy take-out.

I shopped for a while. Bought some products for self-pampering.

And then I came home.

I caught up on a favorite television show online.

I filed and buffed and shined and painted my fingernails. And then repeated the process with my toenails.

I put a warming masque on my face, and relaxed in the bathtub for a while.

I shaved my legs, and slathered them with lovely scented cream.

I moisturized my face with more care and nicer products than usual.

I took a long shower and washed my hair.

I put on perfume.

And now I'm resting. Slowly settling into a space where my heart (which has, in some ways been praying all evening) can enter into communion with Jesus. Where I can read and find words to write some of the things that Jesus and I have been talking about in the last day or two. Where my heart can focus inward, and I can let myself be held and loved and treated gently by Jesus.



Natalie said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening!