Friday, February 13, 2009


I took a little while tonight to remind myself that I actually do love to read.

I've forgotten a bit lately.

You see, reading was always my escape. I'd lose myself in a novel to avoid or escape reality.

And lately, well, lately, Jesus, and a few trusted friends (whose voices in my life Jesus has a tendency to borrow) have been making the point that perhaps escaping into a fictional reality to avoid my own reality might not be the healthiest decision around. And, having seen the effects of the last few escapist trips on my mood and my ability to be satisfied with my own life, I'd say that Jesus and those friends are probably right.

So, most of my reading of late has been stuff that has spoken to where I'm at in life, and challenged me to live and think and experience my own reality more deeply, and to find healing in the midst of that.

But dang, have I missed that escapism.

I took time tonight to relax in a bath tub and read some essays from Anne Lamott's "Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith". No escapism in that writing. Just lots of earthy reality, balanced somehow by humor. And I remembered that I really do love to read. That sometimes truth comes packaged in humor. And that it's okay to laugh and love something - that loving it doesn't automatically make it escapism.

I was also taking the time to remember that I love reading because I'm embarking on a book that I suspect will be a bit more of a challenging read, and I wanted to remind myself that God speaks to me in written form, even when it's not something that makes me laugh.

I made it through the translators introduction (it's a manuscript from the 16th century) and the author's introduction before remembering that even as a history student I hated the way medieval authors wrote. As a historian I can tell you that all that self-demeaning stuff is typical of the time period, and not at all out of character. As a reader, I can tell you that the word I wanted to use in the previous sentence instead of stuff was "drivel" and that two pages of it sent me in search of chocolate. I'm going to have to replenish my stash to make it through this one I think!

And with that, I'm off to read some more. Maybe I'll reward myself for reading the first chapter with a bit more Anne Lamott.