Sunday, January 04, 2009

Taking Control

There are certain aspects of life that have been rather rough lately, and I'm feeling the need to exert some control over the chaos again.

I had another crying jag this morning, and eventually managed to stuff it down enough to head out and do a couple of necessary errands. Then I came home and contemplated food and the need to exert some control.

So, I'm sitting at my kitchen table, with a number of things I love, and/or things I need to accomplish spread out around me.

I'm eating a pancake sandwich. Have you been introduced to this fantastic treat? You take leftover pancakes (I make FANTASTIC pancakes), and use them like the bread for a sandwich. For best results, you should fill your sandwich with smooth peanut butter and raspberry jam.

I'm also sipping at a cup of pomegranete green tea. Steeped for four minutes. Because the three minutes listed on the box just doesn't make it quite strong enough.

I have the roses I bought yesterday nearby.

A bottle of water.

Some vitamins that I'm working on remembering to take regularly.

A couple pens. Several books. My daytimer, Bible and journal. Several dvds and a CD.

A long list of things I want done today. Some relaxing, and some that are quite hard.

Like I said, it's time to exert a little bit of control. (Which, I think is a bad word.) So maybe I'll just say I'm taking charge, or that I'm exercising leadership over my own life. Is that a more acceptable way to put it?