Sunday, January 25, 2009


In my pursuit of mental quiet yesterday, I spent most of the day cleaning and reorganizing.

Often this helps re-organize my mental space as well.

I did a lot of laundry.

Changed the sheets on my bed.

I get excited about things like the first night in bed after you put on fresh sheets.

I like to sleep like I'm in a cocoon, so the first night or two, when the blankets are all still nice and tight and tucked in all the right places so that they just sort of swallow you when you crawl into bed are the best.

And (and I feel pathetic for being excited about this), I got a pillow to put underneath/between my knees while I sleep. My back was getting really sore all the time from the way I was laying to sleep, and the pillow between my knees is a great invention.

And I dreamt. Not disturbing so much as intense, and possibly vaguely profound. A nice change from the dreams I'd been having through much of the "noisy" mental week.

There will be more cleaning today, and a trip to the "Wedding Fair" with my roommates (one is getting married this summer). There will be more quiet, and writing - on paper, in a journal. And there will likely be pancakes. Probably for "brunch". Maybe for lunch or dinner instead, though. I don't believe in eating breakfast food for breakfast if it can be avoided.

Re-ordering the exterior helped with the interior again.

And for a while anyway, I am at peace.