Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random Items in a Bag

I finished work at noon today, and headed for my parents house. I had a pre-established appointment for a massage.

My mom is always sending things home with me when I leave their house, and today the assortment is amusingly random. I came home with a grocery bag filled with:

  • one set of pajamas. a birthday gift that I purchased that needs to be returned.
  • one of my plates, left at their house over Christmas.
  • my mail (mostly bills)
  • a little bag from a local bakery, containing one apple cinnamon sticky bun.
  • a bag of croutons for salad that were given to my mom but she didn't want.
  • a package of dried mango - again, something given to mom that she didn't particularly need and knew I loved.
  • and a partially drunk bottle of red-wine that I'm to drink what I want from tonight/tomorrow and then return the remainder to be consumed at their house.