Monday, December 08, 2008


In an effort to balance out some crazyness in my life, and to be better at self-care - not a strength for a woman who was in many ways raised to believe that anyone and everyone was more deserving of her time and attention than herself - these are some of the things I'm making a daily priority right now:
  • writing a blog post of some kind. writing helps me process life. writing on a blog on a daily basis forces me to be accountable to show up at something regularly. It's not hard and fast, it's just something that works for me. If I miss a day, ok. But I'd rather not.
  • Writing in my paper journal. As I said, writing helps me process life. But it's good to do it on paper. There's something therapeutic for me in picking up a pen and recording what I'm thinking about, and what went on in my day - internally and externally.
  • taking vitamins.
  • getting rest. because I don't sleep very well, or in long chunks, this means that I need to be in bed earlier than I (as a night owl) would prefer. It means I need to be horizontal, even if I'm not asleep, because it really does mean I'm resting.
  • spending time in scripture. see my post below for thoughts on how what you read can impact your spiritual life. I'm learning (again) that scripture works on you if you let it. that it forms and changes your heart, and draws you closer to Jesus.
I think that's it. Those are the big things that I do on a daily basis at the moment in an effort to care for myself. There are other little things - buying myself flowers, stuff like that. But for the moment, I'm just glad to have some big things in place.