Saturday, December 06, 2008

Afternoon Tangents

I didn't actually do many of the Christmas related things on my list today, though I did get a few little gifts bought (as well as a little gift for myself!) I may still put up the tree, but I'm not feeling highly motivated to get to that. It needs to get done this weekend, but again, I'm more of an advent sort of girl than a Christmas Spirit sort of girl, and well, I guess I'm saying it's hard to motivate myself to do it.

I did however, clean my house quite thoroughly. Our kitchen and bathroom have been scrubbed from top to bottom. And I did a load of laundry as well.

And just as another tangent, is there anything quite as nice as taking that first shower in a freshly scrubbed bathroom, and then toweling off with a towel freshly fluffed from the dryer, and smelling sweetly of whatever your preferred fabric softener is?

I'm headed for my bedroom shortly. I need to clean it as well. To make my space tidy again, and a space conducive to sitting for reading, prayer, and just general resting or thinking.

And then, once it's clean, I'm going to sit for a while and read and pray, or just generally rest and think.

I'll probably go to church later. And maybe I'll do the recycling. And the Christmas tree. That will happen this weekend. There's groceries to be bought (though I think that can wait for tomorrow), and I need to get gas for George as well.