Friday, December 12, 2008

Advent (and Lent)

I feel the pressing of the darkness
the weight of the season

it's not hard, at this time of year
when I arrive at work in the dark
and leave when the light has already begun to fade
to feel the darkness encroaching
and understand the longing for the light

on my stereo a lone voice sings
of the journey to the cross
"Into the darkness we must go,
gone, gone is the light.
Jesus, remember me
when you enter your kingdom."

"This feels more like Lent -
like a journey to death and a grave,
than like Advent, and praying for birth"
I said to her
"Advent and Lent are the same"
she said
"A conversation for another night,
but Advent and Lent are the same"

Cyclical seasons
journeying through the dark
ever longing for light
for life, for restoration
to come.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on me
as I wait and walk in darkness.


Natalie said...

Lisa, I think you are going to be the next Henri Nouwen! Not a single priest......but, a deep, reflective writer! :)

Lisa said...

aww... thanks Natalie! that's an awfully huge compliment :)