Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Morning - Curled Up Thoughts

I'm curled up in bed still, wrapped in my robe, and buried under blankets.

I'm oddly reflective, after waking from a beautiful, disturbing, profoundly moving dream.

I went to my brother's Christmas concert last night, and actually enjoyed the music (after years of working in retail, I have a hard time enjoying Christmas music.)

I ran into a dear friend there, and we made tentative plans to get together again soon. It was wonderful to see her face and get a hug from her.

Her husband asked me where I was going to church these days. I told him that his wife and I had just been talking about that, and that I, like them, was somewhat in transition church-wise. He asked me if I wanted to come to their Spanish church. I said yes. He asked if I speak Spanish. I said no. His response made me laugh. "That's okay, it'll just all sound like crazy tongues to you then."

I wore a string of pearls to the concert. A gift from a dear friend, and heavy with reminders of her love. I felt so loved with them around my neck.

I'm laying here in bed, wrapped in my robe, and buried under blankets.

I'm surveying the shelves and shelves of books around my bedroom.

My books are like old friends. They bring comfort. I don't have many plans for today, so I think I'll spend the day with my old friends. Curled up (probably in a chair instead of bed) and reading and writing and thinking and praying.

I may put up my Christmas tree.

My roommates and I are thinking about cooking a nice dinner tonight. The plan was to make roast chicken. Except roasting chickens are expensive apparently. We can buy 2.5 pre-cooked rotisserie chickens for the same price as one uncooked roasting chicken. But we might buy the roasting chicken anyway. It'd be nice to cook it ourselves, with all the trimmings.

Which means I need to make a trip to a grocery store.

And I think I'll visit the library and borrow some cookbooks too. I could use some new inspiration for cooking. And the idea of curling up with pages and pages of scrumptious recipes for a while this afternoon appeals to me.

Happy Saturday!