Monday, November 03, 2008

One of Those Days

This may be a slightly ranting post, but it's been "one of THOSE days".

George is still being a bit stubborn about getting started, which means every morning around 6:30 I pad out the front door in my pj's and slippers to make sure that this isn't going to be the day that he doesn't start, and I need to run around like a mad person to make it to the bus on time, to get to work on time.

I didn't sleep much last night either, though I was in bed at a decent hour. I woke up something like every 20-30 minutes for most of the night. And in between the waking, I had odd and pensive and somewhat gripping dreams.

Work was well... work. It was a Monday, and everyone is back in the office after a week of being on the road. Tensions are high because one department in particular has a number of major deadlines in the next two weeks, and they're desperately behind on every one of them. I spent a large chunk of my afternoon reading emails from one particularly trying manager. Emails that essentially regurgitated information that I'd given to him, only using longer words and less clear language than I'd used, and taking credit for telling me what I'd told him. (The words, justifiable homicide, plausible deniability, temporary insanity, and Napoleon Complex were floating around our office again.)

Traffic was worse than usual coming home.

And then, then I settled in to cook jambalaya, using my mom's recipe. I've been craving it for weeks, and was really looking forward to it. It's still cooking as we speak. Unfortunately, I also managed to slice my left forefinger quite nicely while chopping up sausage for the jambalaya. So, the jambalaya was temporarily delayed while I cleaned and bandaged my finger. (And typing is a little bit interesting with a bandaged forefinger.) Amusingly enough, my roommate was helping me chop some of the veggies, and she too, sliced her finger tonight.

It's been that kind of day.

So, the plan for the evening is quiet. Curling up with a book, maybe in the bath. Possibly doing a little writing or chatting on the phone with a friend. And hopefully no more crankyness inducing, blood-drawing events!