Saturday, November 08, 2008

1500 (600)

This is my 1500th post on this blog, and my 600th post of the year. Since April 21, 2005, I have stopped in here to share what I am thinking 1500 times. Since January 1, 2008, I have stopped in here to share what I am thinking 600 times.

I feel like this is some sort of momentous occasion, and I should share with you deep, or happy, or witty thoughts, but really, I've got nothing. I just stopped in to tell you what I'm planning to do with my day, as I lay here in bed at 8:10 am, and think about the shape of the day ahead. If you want deep or happy, or witty, read the post below this, that I put up just before midnight last night. In the meantime, here are some of the things I'm going to do today:
  • visit the library
  • go to the bank (and just as a sidenote, it would be so much more convenient for those of us who work full time, and need to visit the bank to pay things like our utility bills, if the bank would be open more than just between 10:30 and 3:00 on Saturdays.)
  • visit a mall on the other side of town, that I don't usually go to, because it has stores that are unique (LUSH, and the Apple Store, just for starters)
  • take the 19 garbage bags of leaves that sit in the corner of my backyard to the city leaf and pumpkin composting drop spot.
  • visit the bottle depot and the recycling depot
  • cook or bake something yummy. Maybe cranberry poppyseed scones, the non-dairy, edible for me without a stomach ache kind.
  • house cleaning
  • actually sit in the chair I used to sit in all the time (but haven't hardly at all since moving to the new house in July) to think and read and pray, and do those things, and maybe some writing too, while sitting in said chair.
  • shorten a pair of pants I bought a few months back, and sew a button on a pair of pants that's been missing it's button for months now, in order to have two perfectly functional pairs of pants for work.
  • visit a fabric shop in search of just the right fabric for a project that I have in mind.
  • Treat myself to a cup of tea from the coffee shop, instead of just making it myself at home, and perhaps to a walk in the park while sipping the cup of tea, or, at the very least, a nice break with a scone.
I think that might be it. I know there will be a myriad of other, little things that will crop up through the day, and I'm trying to notice the little things, too, but for now, those are the things that I've got planned. A satisfying, and yet not overwhelming list, that I'm sure will change and morph as the day progresses. Wishing you a satisfying but not overwhelming Saturday as well.


Anonymous said...

Wow Lisa, this would feel like an overwhelming list for me... I'm impressed by your productivity! Do you feel a great sense of achievement having done these things? I know I would! I think it's a good cheer up strategy, to tick things off the to do list. Well done!

Lisa said...

yes, I take great satisfaction in ticking things off a list. But, to be fair, my lists are hardly ever hard and fast guides for my day. I did quite a few of the things on this particular list, it's true, but on the other hand, there were things that were left undone that are still undone a day and a half later. And there are things that weren't on the list which are done. I generally try to have one day of the weekend be one in which a number of "essential" things are done, and one in which the entire goal is mostly to hang out with God and rest. I have varying degrees of success with that plan, but this weekend it worked semi-well.