Monday, October 27, 2008

High on the Dislike List

Okay, I actually probably hate this, more than just simply disliking it, but either way, it's high on my list of NOT happy things. What is it you ask? Well, let me tell you. It's waking up cold. Or waking up semi-warm, and knowing that if you move half an inch in any direction in your bed, you'll be cold. And, it's the dreaded moment when you have to pull those covers off your body, and step out onto the cold floor (I generally keep my slippers handy) and start getting ready for the day.

And why, you ask, do I so passionately dislike waking up cold?? Well, it's because if I'm cold in the morning, I generally have a very difficult time getting warm at any point that day. So, waking up cold leads to another one of my great dislikes - being cold in general.

And why am I mentioning this today?? Because I'm laying here in bed, shivering slightly, knowing that the blankets are like ice if I move half an inch in any direction, and that, in about a minute, I need to throw those blankets off, and start another work week. Ick. What a way to start a week.