Monday, September 15, 2008

In the news...

It's been a while since I listed the headlines that were catching my attention, but here are a few:

Pope Holds Huge Mass in Lourdes

Rwandans Vote for New Parliament

Kampala's "Preacher Boy"

Haven't We Seen This Election Before?


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
I found your blog when doing a search on google (I'm resisting using google as a verb!) for a Henri Nouwen daily message that really spoke to me in difficult times.
I hope you are day by day feeling better, and getting your strength back. I am just sorting out my Christian quotes and other bits and pieces, and had just finished highlighting Henri's choose life daily message. I can see from your recent posts that this has meant something to you, too. Henri has such a wonderful way of making things clear, of being vulnerable and honest with us, and pointing us to Jesus.

Yours is a good blog, if I may say so. I will keep on visiting.

Best wishes and blessings from Australia

Lisa said...

Hi Jenny,
Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment. You're welcome here anytime, and definitely feel free to keep commenting!
