Friday, August 29, 2008

Struggling, waiting, praying

This has been an oddly full week. And not necessarily full in the best sense of that word.

I'm in the midst of saying some goodbyes. Literal and otherwise.

I'm tired.

My facebook status for the last few days has generally read something like "Lisa is waiting, praying and remembering to breathe."

It's all I can manage right now. Just waiting. And talking with Jesus. Sometimes in a very angry tone. Sometimes in quiet desperation. Sometimes just waiting and hoping he'll simply hold me. And remembering to breathe. That's it's okay to go slowly. To cut myself some slack. To stick to those thoughts I shared a week or so ago about self-care.

So it might be quieter around here for a few days again. I'm processing away from this public space. With good friends. Alone. and with Jesus.


Natalie said...

Love your honesty.