Saturday, August 02, 2008

Cue the odd looks...

Okay, are you ready? You're ready to look at me with that "she's slightly odd" look on your face?

I spent the morning in a cemetery. Voluntarily. And it was fantastic.

There wasn't a funeral to attend. No one I know is buried in that particular cemetery.

There was just a strong pull to be there. So I spent an hour wandering, walking, praying, taking photos, reading gravestone inscriptions.

And then another hour sitting quietly and writing.

I'm not going to give you details, but it was a very good morning. Much needed. And I'm glad I followed the prompting I woke up with to go and explore a cemetery I've been wanting to visit for a couple of years.


Drew said...

it seems like a military cemetery. those are amazing. i was fortunate to go to the one at normandy. changed my life, completely.

Lisa said...

that particular portion was military (WWII this section I believe)... but it's actually just a big, old cemetery that's more like a park in the middle of the city...

Anonymous said...

Great photo...cemetaries tell so many interesting stories...we'll definitely have to make time for this next visit.

Lisa said...

next visit for sure! miss ya!