Saturday, August 09, 2008

Busy Day

I was out and about for most of the day today.


And fun stuff.

I did a bit of shopping.

Bought some things that are making me smile.

And saw a play at noon with a friend and her sister.

"The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged" but on by the crew at Shakespeare in the Park.

Have you ever seen this play? All of the plays of Shakespeare, performed by three cast members, in an hour. And they do Hamlet three times, fast, faster, and backwards. Absolutely hilarious, and totally worth seeing. And that's high praise coming from someone who generally doesn't enjoy Shakespeare.

Needing tomorrow to be mostly low key. My roommate and I will grocery shop. But mostly we'll rest and recharge around home. I'm hoping to read and maybe write a bit.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, that's cool you saw the Shakespeare troupe live. We've got a PBS tape recording of it somewhere. I ought to add it to my list of shows I'd like to attend. =)