Friday, July 11, 2008

Day of Rest

I only lasted at work for about 2 hours this morning.

I was feeling really ill, probably should never have gone in in the first place, but needed to learn a new process for some data entry I'm helping with, from someone who will be on holidays next week.

I came home and slept for about two hours. Now I'm feeling a bit better. I'm hanging out on the couch watching a bit of television, continue to rest.

It would seem that today was a forced day of rest, and I'm somewhat glad for that.

I'll pick my roommate up from the train later this afternoon, we'll cook together, and hopefully assemble the bed I bought last weekend.

Tomorrow and the rest of the weekend are going to be low key. I've got things to do around the house. The need to finish settling in. My aunt is coming over to help us hang artwork. I need to mow the lawn. I like nice, homey sorts of weekends. I've been on the run a lot the last several weeks and weekends, and it'll be nice to settle into our new house, to rest, to be simple and around the city and enjoy myself. To take it slow.