Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Full Week

I missed most of the day of work on Friday when I went home ill.

I came back to the office this morning to find that the stack of work on my desk had multiplied mysteriously over the weekend. It will take a great deal of efficiency, planning, and hard work to accomplish everything that must be done in the four days that I’m working this week.

Last night was good. Dinner with good friends. (Great food if I do say so myself!) Then a trip to a local ice cream parlor, and a short walk by the river, below the dam, in a spot I’ve never been before, despite living near it for nearly my entire life.

I had my lights out shortly after 11:00 p.m. I can’t remember the last time I was in bed with the lights out that early.

I slept poorly, waking often, disturbed by dreams. Not quite present in either reality or the world of my dreams. Living somewhere in between.

I have a burn blister, about ½ inch long and ¼ inch wide on my left forearm. A cooking incident last night. It’s ugly, but surprisingly not painful for the moment.

This promises to be another full week.

Grocery shopping and household stuff with my roommate tonight.

A tea date with a dear friend who I see rarely since she lives in another province tomorrow night.

Wednesday night will hopefully be slower. Again, some last household things so that we’re fully settled in our new home.

And Thursday another dear friend arrives from out of town. We’re headed for the mountains for a few days on Friday morning.