Thursday, June 05, 2008

Faking Trust?

I’m thinking this morning about the idea of a “fake it ‘til you make it” faith. I’m wondering if it works, and if maybe that’s the way to approach trust?

What if, everytime the Lord asks something of me, something that requires me to exhibit the trust that I don’t really have, I stopped, and instead of immediately refusing, asked myself how I would respond to that same request if it was posed to me by someone I implicitly trusted? What if I then chose to take a step into nothingness, and responded in the fashion that I would to one I trust?

My head says the Lord is implicitly trustworthy. My heart is having a bit more trouble with that proposition. My heart says that steps of trust and obedience have led me into a lot of really dark and painful places over the years, and asks why I should trust one that causes me pain? My head is quick to remind me that pain is not always a bad thing, but my heart has trouble with the idea that something that feels so bad could actually be good.

Trust and obedience are closely linked for me. I will not obey with any consistency one whom I don’t trust. My deep heart desire is to be continually obedient to the voice of the Lord, and for that, I need to trust.

What if, just for one weekend, I give this trust thing a shot?


Anonymous said...

Great weekend to try that :)

Lisa said...

you would think that!