Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back to House Hunting

So... the house we'd lined up has fallen through, and we're now in a bit more of a rush to find someplace to live at the end of the month.

Long and short is, the previous tenants had left a disaster in the house, including a ton of furniture we don't want. The landlord we were going to rent from found a family that will take the house as is, and needs the furniture. She doesn't have to pay someone to empty and clean the house if she rents to this person instead of us.

So, we're back to the hunting stage...

I managed to line up one viewing for tonight, immediately after work, and I've printed a bunch of ads that I'll call this evening.

Praying for this to be settled very soon.

I think I might engage in a little "retail therapy" tonight. I have some things I need to pick up, and shopping just might do the trick in the "burning off some sudden stress" category!