Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting Away

I'm teaching Sunday school this morning.

Then, once church is over, my roommate, our future roommate, and I are coming home to pick up some stuff, and we're heading out of town.

We've booked a hotel room in Southern Alberta for the night, and we're planning to sit in that room, watch a "light and fluffy" movie, paint our toenails, sip wine, and eat a number of rather delectable purchases from the farmer's market and a local European deli.

We'll spend half of tomorrow touring a beautiful national park, right on the American border, and then we'll drive home, to back at work on Tuesday when the long weekend is over.

I really need to get away and just be girly and laugh for a day or so. This last week was brutal in a whole variety of ways, and I'm tired. My whole body aches, and I need a day where I'm not doing anything connected to all of the stressors in my life right now.

I'll see you tomorrow or Tuesday!