Thursday, April 03, 2008

Heading Out

I'm getting up at 4:30 tomorrow morning. I'm being picked up at 6:00. I've laid out mouse poison in various spots around our house. Here's hoping it works better than the traps have.

I'll be at a work conference for the weekend, and probably won't have access to the internet, so I probably won't be posting until at least Sunday night.

Picture nearly 300 mennonites converging on a 5 star hotel for a weekend. Now picture me in the middle of it. Now picture me spending my Saturday trying to corral somewhere between 30 and 50 Mennonite children, who speak varying degrees of English, while teaching them a craft project. Yeah. Really looking forward to it.

This has been a very long and hard day, and, given the fact that I don't sleep very well to start with, and the fact that I have to get up at 4:30, I'm heading for bed.