Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tea lights and feet propping

There are certain things that I should never be allowed to do when I am trying to be "financially responsible". One of those things is to make a trip to Ikea.

I made a trip to Ikea tonight.

You see, I have to occasionally go to Ikea. I have this thing for tea lights (those tiny little candles), and the tea lights from Ikea are the best ones around. And, they only cost $3.69 for 100. I've been going through tea-lights on a pretty large scale lately, and thought I'd take the the time to make a quick Ikea run and pick up a couple hundred more.

I also bought a footstool. Which is something I've been thinking about for a long time, but was not something on the list of anytime soon planned purchases.

But hey... it was nearly 50% off, and all told, I bought a cushion to prop my feet on, and 200 tea lights for about $40. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

And, this was a weird day, so a little retail therapy was kind of a nice way to end it!