Monday, March 10, 2008

From a ways back...

I was reading through a few blog archives tonight, searching for a particular post I'd written, and I came across one that I wrote within two weeks of my healing from depression. I wrote a paragraph in that post, back in November 2005 that still holds true today, and I thought I'd bring it forward for you to share with me... The time related phrases could be changed from two weeks to "six months" to more accurately reflect this current season, but other than that...

The last two weeks and a bit have been insane, but so good. I have known God's presence in ways I would never have expected, or even wanted, but I am tired. I don't want to go back - I'm loving this new place in my journey - loving that breakthroughs are finally happening, but boy is it tiring. I think I know why the ancient monks spent so many hours alone!