Sunday, March 09, 2008

Back into the Week

I've been writing a whole lot more in my journal these days than on my blog. Lent does that to me. Makes me far more introspective and uncertain, and unwilling to share the introspection and uncertainty with a wider audience until it's reached some sort of resolution.

I'm heading back into the week first thing tomorrow morning. A week full of meetings and busyness at work. A week with some apprehension as I wonder how things will work out. A week that is mercifully (thus far!) quiet on the social engagement front.

I milk every last moment out of my weekends these days, saving my biggest spurts of writing and introspection for late on Sunday night, in the rush to get it all out before I encounter the fuller schedule of my weekdays.

The fuller schedule isn't necessarily bad. As one friend reminded me this week, work = money, and money = food, rent, long distance phone conversations. In terms of motivators, I suppose all three of those are high on my list.

But I'd rather pass my days with a good book, talking with friends (and even some strangers), writing, sipping tea, and dreaming.

Ah well. For now, I'm heading back into the week.