Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Need a Title...

Okay... I'm being harassed from 2 sides about my inability to title things...

The first photo is a painting from the prayer room... lots of significance to it, I'll explain sometime...

The second is Dar, Bethany and I sitting on a wall at the Citadel in Gozo. Loved Gozo. Very peaceful there.

Trip still going well. Internet access has been less than, well, accessible.

Tired. Very tired.... and giddy... and everyone sitting around me has been enjoying wine for most of the evening... not helping with the giddy thing.

So, I think I'll sign off now. Night!


Unknown said...

hey lisa,
nice to see a couple pics ;)
curious to hear more about the prayer room painting.
how was the wine?

Lisa said...

funny, funny on the wine - as if you don't know about me and the drinking thing!

are you ever coming to Calgary to visit? (like, after I get home, which is still another two weeks or so, of course!)