Thursday, January 24, 2008


There are some things going on with me that I am so NOT okay with right now.

I brought some baggage into this trip, hoping to leave it behind, and find myself healed and lighter. It's not happening, though I haven't completely given up hope that the healing is coming.

There are things that I am picking up here that I am able to carry, and there are things that I am picking up that I have no energy left to bear, but must carry anyway.

I'm tired (the storm the last couple nights has prevented much sleep), and that is not helping my perspective very much.

The spiritual atmosphere of this nation is having an incredible effect on my physical body. I am experiencing a vast magnification of certain manifestations that I have experienced at home in Canada from time to time. Things that are easy to ignore when they happen once every two or three days or even less often, but are far more difficult to ignore when they happen a half-dozen times in the space of ten minutes, and occur nearly constantly throughout the space of my days. The manifestations frustrate me, because I don't understand them. I can't explain them. They don't fit into my logical and controlled world. I am experiencing physical pains that seem to be strongly connected to various spiritual things at quite regular intervals as well...

I'm coping. Kind of. I continue to feel a deep sense of the peace and shielding of the Father over my life - promises that have been spoken over my life the last couple years, and are now being fulfilled. I do, however, have to remind myself of those promises at every turn, as they are easy to lose in the midst of the intensity of the moments that are filling my days.

Apparently we're going to visit one of the refugee camps tomorrow. Not sure I have the energy that that is going to require of me, but needing to go... Had to ask someone tonight for a logical reason for me to go to the camps tomorrow... cringed when she actually came up with one... guess I'm going...

Keep praying for us. For unity of hearts. For protection against fears.