Friday, November 09, 2007

Where I'm at...

I'm hosting a prayer room this weekend. I know I've mentioned that several times this week in passing, but I wanted to say it formally. If you're interested in coming and praying - do. Call me or email me or facebook me for my address and directions.

I'm excited about this. It's been a long time coming, and I'm delighted that a number of my youth kids have decided to come out and experience a different sort of atmosphere and attempt to meet God creatively. I'm also delighted that many long time friends are planning to come and spend time in my living room, talking with Jesus. Others have written to tell me that they're praying from their homes in different parts of the province and country.

I've felt apprehensive about this all week, but as the time has gone on, I've begun to know the nearness of Christ, and my excitement has grown while my fears (at least for the moment) have waned.

I just emailed a dear friend, sharing what's been on my heart today for the evening, and for the weekend, and liked the way those thoughts came out so much that I thought I'd put them here as well...

I think my heart is simply to be with all of these different people I love, and invite them to come before Jesus in my living room. I would love it if all that happened for me this weekend was that I had dozens of opportunities to pray for and with the youth kids, and for and with the friends who've been walking out life with me for varying periods of time. I want to pray for Pakistan with my best friend, and for the streets of Calgary with another friend who spends her friday evenings serving the homeless and broken. I want to pray for peace over the life of a friend who's struggling, and for breakthroughs in the lives of some of my youth. I want to curl up in a blanket in front of the map of the world I hung on the wall last night, with the fact sheets I compiled from the BBC (but haven't really read yet!) about Peru and Rwanda and Malta, and pray for forthcoming journeys and for the friends whose hearts belong to those nations. Basically, I'm praying for that light - those flames I saw as I prayed through my house a couple months ago to really ignite in the lives of the people I love.

I already know Jesus is with me this weekend - in a way that I haven't known his presence for a while. So close - I wonder what the eyes of a child would see if they looked at me today - the way children see so much more than the rest of us - I sense His presence so intimately and my heart is already full - seems natural to think that I'm going home from work to invite others into this space. Today I'm peaceful, and the fears are at rest, and I can't quite keep the smile from my lips. He walks with me and loves me, and I am not alone - He goes with me, and so do many friends.


runnerfrog said...

Look at that, browsing blogs I find another INFJ. :-)
Reading "health and well-being" was hypnotic.
"Heading out" had very cool lines too; so I subscribed to the feed to determinate if I should be back regularly or not. :-)
Think I love the personal openness mixed with self-questioning of how your own faith works in "thinking about church again". That one is bookmarked now (I use to save some posts).
Hope your weekend was fulfilling.

Lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by - the weekend was great! Posting about that to come sometime soon...
