Monday, October 29, 2007


I think I slept about 3 hours last night, maybe 4. I woke over and over again.

So many things on my mind and heart. And dreams - always the dreams.

Friends in tough spaces. Grief. Anxiety. Fear.

My own weird pastor's kid day yesterday...

Mom had some health issues today - things that had the potential to be serious. She was home alone, which concerned me. Worked out okay - she managed to takes medication in time to stop the onslaught of the worse symptoms she's had in the past.

My baby brother is having surgery later this week to hopefully allow him to go back to playing guitar.

Went to a lecture tonight. My favorite prof from university, lecturing on the topics I loved. So good to use that part of my brain again.

Praying for sleep tonight. The dreamless, non-waking kind.

Praying for friends and family.

Praying for health and safety, for protection over the lives of many.

Have spent much of today making mental "smile lists" - needing to make choices for joy and thankfulness in the midst of some heavier things.

So in love with Jesus, and so confused with how wildly up and down that plays out in real life.

I'm going to bed. I need to sleep, and regain perspective.

See you tomorrow.